Trip/Event Registration Confirmation

Congratulations! Your RMSC trip or event registration was successful!
You have 2 easy payment choices:
  • Credit Card through PayPal
  • You do not need a Pay Pal account
  • Select the RMSC Event in the drop-down
  • Click the “Add to Cart” button
  • Select how many members you are paying for
  • Enter your payment information
  • Submit to pay securely
  • When you are finished you will be returned to the “Payment Confirmation” page of our website
  • If you plan to register for membership at the same time, please go to the membership page and register for your membership before paying for the trips. When you get to the membership registration confirmation page you can click the PayPal link there and pay for everything at once (trips and membership).  This will save the club money.
Please send your check to:
RMSC Events
201441 Hidden Cove Ln
Mosinee, WI 54455

RMSC Events 020224